wwelcome to my blinkie stash (and other graphics)
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every blinkie here shows up on the page as 150x20, but some of them were originally a different size (like 300x40), and those will be marked by an asterisk (*). if you add them to your site and want them to appear smaller like most blinkies, you should add a width="150px", like this:
height="20px" would also work
BLINKIES CAFE!!!! greatest website of all time. you can generate your own blinkies with templates on here :DDD
button wall
adrian's blinkie collection THERE'S SO MANY ON HERE
radiotrophic makes absolutely AWESOME blinkies
EZGIF!!! greatest website of all time. you can make gifs on here to make blinkies :-)
gifcities!! a search engine of gifs from archived geocities sites. very fun :D
this rentry is where i got a lot of the will wood ones from